CRI’s Beverage Market Data Analysis (BMDA):
Beverage Container Sales, Recycling and Wasting Data at Your Fingertips

Available for Purchase

The Beverage Market Data Analysis (BMDA) produced by CRI includes the most thorough information available on U.S. and state-specific beverage container sales, recycling and wasting data – providing government, industry and environmental organizations with analytical and predictive tools not available elsewhere.

Reports for specific states and the nation as a whole are available for purchase. The 2024 edition of the BMDA covers the 2021 data year.


What Is Included in the BMDA Packages?

A BMDA is an PDF workbook containing 39 tables with sales, recycling and wasting data for almost all carbonated and non-carbonated beverages[1] and for the seven most common packaging types.[2]

Each BMDA features a wealth of user-friendly information derived from more than 20 industry and government sources. The data is presented in multiple ways: total units and tons, per capita units and pounds, energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions, scrap values of material recycled or wasted, and potential revenues from unclaimed deposits.

Specific data in the BMDA packages includes:

  • Total and per capita sales in volume and units, categorized by carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and packaging types including traditional and non-traditional materials
  • Existing recycling and wasting data as well as hypothetical scenarios


Why Order a State BMDA Package?

BMDA data can be used to:

  • Understand state market size and composition by beverage and material
  • Compare a state’s redemption and recycling rates to those in other states
  • Compare recycling rates for deposit and non-deposit containers
  • Quantify environmental and economic benefits of a deposit program
  • Project financial and environmental effects of modernizing an existing deposit law
  • Compare BMDA data to the sales and redemption numbers reported by bottlers and distributors to determine the accuracy of their information


Our data sets are as complete and state-specific as possible. According to one state official:

“[The BMDA is] the best third-party analysis of the container market that exists. No one challenges it.”

Get a BMDA preview by downloading 2022 package (2019 data year) sample tables and a file map with table titles.

BMDA Purchase Information

Each package costs $2,000, and 501(c)3 organizations may request the $1,000 nonprofit price. For questions, or to order a package, please fill out our contact form and indicate what state(s) (or the U.S. overall) you are interested in. Data files are emailed in Microsoft Excel format.


1- Beverages: carbonated soft drinks, beer & hard cider, sparkling & non-sparkling water, energy & sports drinks, fruit & vegetable beverages, ready-to-drink tea & coffee, wine & spirits, wellness & functional beverages, and milk & dairy alternatives.
2- Packages: aluminum cans, PET & HDPE plastic bottles, glass bottles, cartons & paper, and foil pouches.




Learn how CRI made a difference in 2023 through high-profile initiatives, legislative analysis and advocacy, and education and collaboration.



Bottled Up: Beverage Container Recycling Stagnates (2000-2010)


As part of our thought leadership and mission to help improve beverage container recycling in the U.S., CRI periodically performs an analysis of beverage container sales and recycling rates, and publishes the information in the form of an authoritative report for use by decision-makers and recycling advocates. The 2013 edition of this signature report is Bottled Up: Beverage Container Recycling Stagnates (2000- 2010).

Download the free report and stay tuned for CRI's sequel to Bottled Up:
Tipping Point: Beverage Container Wasting, Plastic Pollution and
the Failed Promise of Curbside Recycling

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